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What is neck pain?

Neck pain can be debilitating and should not be ignored. It is very common, affecting around 80% of people at some point in their lives and 20–50% annually. Our Physiotherapists will help to correctly diagnose and treat your pain quickly and effectively using a number of different techniques. Neck pain is best treated early so avoid delay.

Causes of Neck Pain

Your neck comprises seven bones more commonly known as vertebrae. In between each vertebrae are the discs, and the neck is stabilised by joints, ligaments and muscles. By its design the neck is highly mobile but because of this it is prone to injury. Most commonly the neck is injured as result of trauma, however postural problems also accountfor a large percentage of cases. Disc degeneration and arthritis also contribute to cases of neck pain.

Postural Stress

When the spine is malaligned, the back muscles, ligaments, discs, nerves and spinal joints are all under increased and unnatural stress.

Minor muscle strains in the back can improve quickly of their own accord. For strains of a greater severity physiotherapy can with pain relief and hasten healing.

Overstretching ligaments can cause pain through rupturing and bleeding into adjacent tissues. Common causes include road traffic accidents and sports injuries.

Discs are attached between vertebrae, and as such they cannot ‘slip out of place’ as is commonly referred. They deteriorate with age, however most commonly they occur through injury. Physiotherapy can help to alleviate pain and improve function associated with; a disc bulge, also known as prolapse; a herniation; or occasionally a rupture. Disc injuries are often referred to as a slipped disc, however this is not an accurate description as the discs are firmly anchored between vertebrae.

The formation of bony protrusions and inflammation at vertebral and facet joints can lead to decreased movement and pain in the back. Arthritis is a naturally occurring phenomenon and cannot be reversed, however contributory factors can be addressed and advice on managing the pain can be helpful.

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How we can help

We can treat neck pain in a variety of ways:


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