Acupuncture in Winchester, Alresford & Twyford

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What is Acupuncture?

Experience the ancient healing art of acupuncture at Physiotherapy & Wellness in Winchester, Alresford & Twyford. All of our acupuncture treatments are carried out by our fully qualified and AACP certified physiotherapist’s. After obtaining a detailed background of your medical history, and your current condition, our acupuncturist’s will perform a thorough physical examination.

If it is decided that acupuncture is a useful stand alone or adjunct to your treatment, you will be asked to assume the most appropriate position for the body part to be treated. You may be asked to undress to allow the acupuncturist to access the relevant parts of your body.

The needles are placed in specific parts of the body relevant to your disorder using a Western Medical Acupuncture approach. All needles are single use and sterile. In a session, typically between 2 and 12 acupuncture points will be used, with needles inserted at varying depths depending on location and desired effect. Needles are typically left in for 10-20 minutes, but may be left in for up to 30 minutes.

Clinical Uses of Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be used as an adjunct to holistic treatment for a variety of disorders including:

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All our physiotherapist’s who undertake acupuncture do so having undergone significant post-graduate training. Acupuncture is safe and serious side effects are very rare.

If acupuncture is not suitable for you, this will be identified in the initial examination.

