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What is it?

Our women’ health physiotherapy service, sometimes known as pelvic health physiotherapy, helps women to restore function, and work towards feeling your usual self again. 

Our women’s health physiotherapist’s Katie and Mel, are there to support you with a comprehensive evaluation of your pelvic floor to help with the following:

Please note that there are many other conditions which can also benefit from physiotherapy so please contact the clinic if you require any advice.

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When can I visit?

Pre-natal physiotherapy can occur any time from when you find out you are pregnant to when you give birth.

If you’re looking for post-partum recovery, we recommend first consulting with your GP if possible, but please contact us if you’re unsure.

For menopause physiotherapy and for all other issues, visit us anytime

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What are the benefits?

Pre-natal Physiotherapy

Pregnancy is both an amazing, life changing experience, and also a transformation for your body, affecting your hormones, posture, balance and pelvic floor. 

Katie and Mel will put you at ease, undertaking a thorough assessment and then designing an exercise plan to strengthen your pelvic, as well as maintain flexibility and strength in your limbs and core. Alongside this, Katie and Mel will offer manual therapy techniques to alleviate any aches and pains associated with this wonderful yet transformative experience.

Post-natal Physiotherapy

There comes a degree of weakening of your pelvic floor post-partum, and to help with the issues associated with this, Katie and Mel offer a comprehensive assessment and rehabilitation plan. 

Benefits may include, pelvic floor and abdominal rehabilitation, scar tissue management, pain management, and help returning to sport and exercise. 

Menopause Physiotherapy

The effect of hormones during menopause can impact on your pelvic floor health, as well as influencing various aches and pains in your body. Speaking with our expert women’s health physiotherapist’s can address any of these issues and concerns, providing you with a bespoke plan to keep you fit and well during this often transformative stage.

